Weather Policy

In the event of tropical cyclones, typhoons or rainstorms, the school's policy is to follow instructions given by the relevant authorities. If extreme weather occurs, please refer to the following tables that explain our school procedures. Please check the Education Bureau or Hong Kong Weather Observatory websites for additional information.

For our detailed school Weather Policy, please refer to the School Handbook.


Signal Action to be taken
Hoisting No.1 signal
All classes operate as usual.
Hoisting No.3 signal
Reception Year to close. Other classes to operate as usual unless advised otherwise.
Hoisting Pre No.8/No.8 signal or above
All schools to close.
Lowering to No.1 or lowering all signals
All classes to resume the next day


When the Rainstorm Warning Notice is Posted Hong Kong EDB Mandated Action to be taken AISHK Procedure
All schools, including kindergartens, to operate as usual
AISHK will continue as usual.
Before leaving home for school. (Usually announced between 5:30am and 8:00am)

Whole-day school classes to be suspended all day. School tests and examinations to be postponed.

If the warning is issued at or after 8:00am, students should continue to school, and attend classes at school.

All staff to arrive at school as usual.

Classes will be cancelled if the warning is issued before 8:00am.

If the warning is issued at or after 8:00am, students should continue their journey to school and attend classes as usual.

Before leaving home for school.(Usually announced between 5:30am and 8:00am)

Whole-day school classes to be suspended all day. School tests and examinations to be postponed.

If the warning is issued at or after 8:00am, students should continue to school, and attend classes at school.

Classes will be cancelled if the warning is issued before 8:00am. Staff are to remain at home.

If the warning is issued at or after 8:00am, students will continue their journey to school and attend classes as usual.

Staff are required to be at school if the signal is raised at or after 8:00am.

When classes are in session.
Schools to continue until the end of the normal school hours and conditions are safe for students to return home.
AISHK continues until the end of the normal school hours and conditions are safe for students to return home.

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