Weather Policy

If extreme weather occurs, please refer to the following tables that explain our school procedures.
Click here to see school's Weather Policy in full.


Signal Action to be taken
Hoisting No. 1 signal
All classes operate as usual
Hoisting No. 3 signal
Reception classes will be suspended. Other classes to operate as usual unless advised otherwise
No. 8 signal or above hoisted before 7:30am
All schools to close
No. 8 signal or above hoisted during the day with two hours notice
Students that normally travel home by school bus will be sent home by bus. All other students should be collected by an adult.
Lowering to No.1 or lowering all signals
All classes to resume the next day


Rainstorm Warning Notice Hong Kong EDB Mandated Action to be taken AISHK Procedure
All schools, including kindergartens / reception classes operate as usual
AISHK operates as usual.
RED Before leaving home for school. (usually between 5:30am and 8:00am)
Whole-day school classes to be suspended all day. If the warning is issued at or after 8:00am, students should continue to school, and attend classes as normal.
All AISHK staff to arrive at school as usual, prioritising personal and household safety.

Classes will be cancelled on campus if the warning is issued before 8:00am and work will be provided for students to engage with at home.

In the event of scheduled public examinations for senior students, the Head of Secondary will communicate arrangements to students and parents via email.
RED During the school day. (including at the end of school)
Schools will continue until the end of normal school hours and conditions are safe for students to return home.
AISHK operates until the end of normal school hours and parents are not required to take any action during the normal school day.

All school excursions and offsite activities will be postponed during a RED rainstorm warning.

If the Red Rainstorm signal is lowered before 9:30am, the school will email parents to confirm that the afternoon Reception class will operate as normal. If the Red Rain signal is still in place at 9:30am afternoon reception classes will be suspended.

If the RED rainstorm warning remains in force at the end of the school day, students will go to their home rooms where they will be supervised by their teacher – until the signal is lowered to AMBER. Parents will be notified of arrangements. Students are not permitted to be dismissed unless they are picked up by an adult or the school announces it is safe for them to leave.

School buses will not run until the signal is lowered to AMBER. If the RED signal remains in force at 4:15pm, buses will be cancelled and parents or guardians will need to collect students from campus. AISHK staff will not leave until all student departures are safely completed.

BLACK Before leaving home for school. (usually between 5:30am and 8:00am)
Whole-day school classes to be suspended all day. School tests and examinations to be postponed.

If the warning is issued at or after 8:00am, students and staff should continue to school, and attend classes at school.

Classes will be cancelled on campus if the BLACK warning signal is issued before 8:00am.

Work will be provided for students to engage with at home.

Arrangements regarding any scheduled public examinations for senior students will be communicated to students and parents by the Head of Secondary via email. If the warning is issued at or after 8:00am, students should continue their journey to school and attend classes as usual. If the Black Rainstorm signal is lowered to Amber before 9:30am, the school will email parents to confirm that the afternoon Reception class will operate as normal.

If the Black or Red Rain signal is still in place at 9:30am afternoon reception classes will be suspended. Staff are required to be at school if the signal is raised at or after 8:00am.

BLACK During the school day. (including at the end of school)
School will continue until the end of normal school hours. NO STUDENTS WILL BE DISMISSED DURING BLACK RAIN.
AISHK operates until the end of school hours and parents are not required to take any action during the normal school day.

All school excursions and offsite activities will be cancelled during a BLACK rainstorm warning.

If the BLACK rainstorm warning remains in force at the end of the school day, students go to their home rooms where they will be supervised by their teacher until the signal is lowered to AMBER. Parents will be notified of arrangements. Students are not permitted to be dismissed from school during a BLACK rainstorm warning. School buses will not run until the signal is lowered to AMBER.

If the BLACK or RED signal remains in force at 4:15pm, buses will be cancelled and parents or guardians will need to collect students from campus. AISHK staff will not leave the campus until all student departures are safely completed. If the Black Rainstorm signal is lowered to Amber before 9:30am, the school will email parents to confirm that the afternoon

Reception class will operate as normal. If the Black or Red Rain signal is still in place at 9:30am afternoon reception classes will be suspended.

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